vendredi 4 novembre 2011

Tendresse d'Automne

Décrire nos deux amoureux serait difficile…Leur univers est doux et calme, ils rayonnent l’Amour. Dans leurs yeux, tous ceux qui les entourent peuvent voir même ressentir les sentiments qu’ils ont un pour l’autre…
Photographe de Mariage a Quebec

vendredi 14 octobre 2011

Fairy Tale Wedding in Quebec

We were so happy to be part of this great wedding in Quebec City
Congratulations to both of you

vendredi 2 septembre 2011

Photographer & wedding goes together!!

Tooooo cool of a wedding! we had so much fun, and in their constant happy smiles we could see all this Love shinning through!
 wedding photographer in Quebec

a Wedding in Quebec City, Tenderness and Love...

A wedding always brings the photographer laugh and joy...Here, Cindy and Eric showed all of the above with a soft touch of tenderness...

A Happy Photographer

How couldn't we be? the weather was on our side, the crowd was happy and our newlyweds were more than great.

Elegant Wedding in Quebec City

 Wedding photographer in Quebec city

vendredi 22 juillet 2011

A Love Story in Quebec...and a photographer

Well... no need to say anything here :-) Our yet to be newly weds were fantastic! Their wedding in September will be held at Fairmont Chateau Frontenac...So anxious to be part of their Great Day. And this little time spent together two weeks ago was casual yet elegant and romantic.
Thanks for the great moments!

lundi 11 juillet 2011

Photographe de de Beaux Moments d'Amour...

Québec regorge d'endroits magnifiques, d'édifices grandioses et de parcs à couper le souffle...Aussi, il nous est toujours si agréable d'y rencontrer des gens souriants, des couples amoureux et de partager quelques instants magiques avec eux...